


Game Mechanics » History » Revision 2

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# Game Mechanics 

 # Game Mechanics 

 This document outlines the game mechanics. 

 ## 2-player system 

 The game can be played with either one or two players on a single 
 computer (no network computing; this would be too complex to 
 implement). Each player receives its own view of the world, but the 
 make progress they have to work together. 

 Below, specificalities of 2-player mode are mentioned where appropriate. 

 ## Camera 

 The camera will be hooked up above and behind the player. By pressing 
 a button, the player can switch to first-person view. 

 ### 2-player mode 

 In two-player mode, each player receives its own camera and window. If 
 a machine has two monitors, it should be possible increase both 
 windows to full size, each on one monitor. Each player's 
 camera-related actions only relate to his own window. 

 Cinematic scenes are always shown on both windows. If text is shown in 
 such scenes, both players have to press the "accept" button for it to 
 vanish, which is indicated with colours at the bottom of each text 

 ## Steering 

 The game is to be played with a game pad. In single-player mode, the 
 player can choose which character to play (Freya or Benjamin) and 
 change at any time. The other one is taken over by a very simple 
 algorithm which works as follows. On switch, the player chooses one of 
 two options: standstill (1) or follow (2). In standstill mode, the 
 character simply stands still. If a monster approaches, it will defend 
 with a simple algorithm, but the player is alerted in some way so he 
 can switch back; normally, monsters should ignore the standing 
 character. In follow mode, the character follows the player's 
 character simply by going the closest way towards him. If the distance 
 between the two characters gets too high, the algorithmically steered 
 character shouts and switches to standstill mode. If the player climbs 
 up platform or does similar difficult things, the other character 
 immediately enters standstill mode. Switching characters should come 
 with some nice animation and sound. 

 Both characters always have to be on the same map (except where 
 divided for story reasons). To leave a map, in single-player mode it 
 is sufficient if the only player moves to a teleportation point; the 
 other character is warped right behind the camera and then also moves 
 through the teleportation point. 

 ### 2-player mode 

 In 2-player mode, each player simply plays one character. To leave a 
 map, both characters need to enter the same teleportation point. 

 ## World Navigation 

 There is no world map. All areas are connected directly as only this 
 generates the necessary feeling for the covered distances in the 
 world. Without this, there would be no use for the Mail system. 
 The typical overworld area should be rather small, so that a feeling 
 of many and different areas arises (contrast this with the quite 
 boring central Hyrule Field in Zelda's OoT). The world is not to be 
 constructed in a star form (again, see OoT, where everyhing emerges 
 from Hyrule Field), but in a more organic mannor with multiple 
 possibilities to go to places (within story bounds). 

 In a 2D world, implementing this is easy because one can easily make a 
 screen identical with a map. This is more complicated in a 3D world, 
 because the player may at any time enter first-person view and look 
 into the distance horizontally, which makes it impossible to use 
 camera bounds for map bounds. Instead, different concepts need to be 
 used. The basic idea should be to load adjascent maps once the player 
 approaches a teleportation point, but keep the map freezed until it is 
 actually entered. That should make it possible to implement a 
 reasonably smooth switch between overworld maps. Combined with 
 distance fog it should be possible convey an impression of an organic 

 As for the actual map design there should be plenty of inspiration 
 available in real-world places. 

 ## Time system 

 The game has its own time flow which is decoupled from the PC clock. A 
 day in the game world lasts significantly shorter than in real time. 
 For comparison, OoT's days lasted about 5 minutes. That is probably 
 too short, but it should be bearable for the player to wait until 
 night approaches during a single playing. The time's velocity should 
 be chosen in such a way that travelling between the larger cities 
 takes several days. 

 On day/night switch on the overworld a standstill picture of the sun 
 is shown while some sound is played; for morning dawn the new day's 
 date can be shown as well. This little trick allows to exchange NPCs 
 and other elements on a map without the burden of having to animate 
 their coming and going. In areas where this is not important (most 
 notably dungeons) a simple message can be printed onto the screen on 
 day/night switch. 

 ## Inventory and Equipment 

 ### Restrictions on equipment carrying; Mail system 

 It is not possible to always carry around all equipment items. The 
 player has to plan forward, namely for dungeons. Equipment can be left 
 in taverns or similar places, where it can later be retrieved to 
 exchange the inventory. 

 Since the world has a certain size, it is annoying to travel large 
 distances just to retrieve equipment left in an entirely different 
 place. Maybe one even forgot where it was stored! The Mail system 
 comes to the rescue. In any Mail Office one can request the items to 
 be send here. Thanks to a well-engineered horse relay station system, 
 all ordered equipment will always be available at the post office on 
 the next day to retrieve. 

 ## NPCs 

 ### 2-player mode 

 TODO: Define how text-based talking works in 2-player mode. Maybe 
 display other user's text at the edge of the window?