



This project is for the development of a new open-source (code as GPL, media as CC-BY-SA) role-play game (RPG) called Ilmendur - Heirs to the Elven Sword that is meant to be a hobby project. It is intended to be a 3D action adventure with fight and puzzles as it is known from the Zelda series, most notably Ocarina of Time. This is not intended to be a clone. It should be something original, with original story, concept, media, etc.

As of now, this project is in the planning stage. Originally being a personal project of a friend circle, this project is at this early stage invite-only. Drop an e-mail to quintus at if you think you want to contribute. You might also join the IRC channel #ilmendur on's IRC service.

Story and concept drafts are available only for members.

Public repository

Source code:

$ git clone git://

Issue tracking  Details

open closed Total
Bug 0 0 0
Feature 22 0 22

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Manager: quintus, sydney

Developer: claudio, datahead, kali, refi64, SiggyPop, sydney, xet7