Wiki » History » Revision 6
Revision 5 (quintus, 03/19/2021 05:49 PM) → Revision 6/9 (quintus, 04/17/2021 05:33 PM)
# Wiki This is the project's wiki page. Anyone who is a member of this project can edit its contents. Wiki pages are written in [Markdown]( In this early stage of the project, the wiki is mainly a place to store timeless information that would otherwise get buried in the forum section. It is also useful if a joint document needs to be created in a collaborative effort. The wiki is *not* a place to upload music, artwork or similar assets. Make a post to the [forum](./boards) instead. Uploads in the wiki should be used sparingly, with the most useful application being images that illustrate the point of a specific wiki page. ## Important pages * [[Game Concept]] * [[Game Design and Game Development Resources]] * [[German-English Name Mapping]] * Style guides: * [[Coding Rules]] Styleguide]] * [[Graphics Styleguide]] * [[Music and Sound Styleguide]] * [[Dungeons]]