



Feature #23


Map: Oak Fortress

Added by quintus almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

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We had a proposal of how Oak Fortress should look over in the forum. It ultiamtely did not meet resistance. For the sake of simplicity, I reproduce the proposal below. This ticket is to track progress on the 3D map (area) for Oak fortress as it is being created in Blender.

In another forum thread we agreed on the Emblem of the Mages. The respective flag as outlined in that thread should be positioned on the city walls' towers, on several buildings, on the peninsuala castle, at the harbour, etc.

On the technical side, I think Oak Fortress should be implemented in four areas (maps): 1) the main axis running from south to north, crossing the central place and terminating at the northern city gate, 2) the area towards the east of the main axis, 3) the area west of the main axis, 4) the harbour on the north side outside the city walls, together with the way leading up to the mountain castle. Oak Fortress shall be a large city, reigned by the mages in a skilled mannor, profiting from the trade with salt from the north and with the wine from the west. It still is the city where most mages live, but its welfare has produced quite a bit of growth so that mages now make for a minority in the city (but are commonly seen). Given its position at the edge of the empire, its permanent contact with the desert people from the north and the specific history stemming from being the capital of the mages, it today (= at play time) is a melting pot of cultures, a liberal city state at which the emperor always looks with a certain moment of unease. But it is a prosperous connection; Oak Fortress and the mages profit from the shelter of the empire's enormous military capacity, and the empire needs the salt and the good will of the mages, as their capabilities can be quite damaging even to a large conventional army.

Its growth has given Oak Fortress a maze of streets, and it is easy to get confused. Better find someone to trade you a city plan -- or be brave and try to find out for yourself. The city has grown over the city walls, but playable is only the part within them and the harbour at the north side.

Before the city on the west and north sides the Grand Lake (I need to come up with a name for it at some point) winds itself around the city, leaving a peninsula with a large rocky hill with high cliffs near to the city walls, surrounded by water. On this hill's top rests the Mountain Castle, a military mage bastion which has served the city well often times. Whoever wants to conquer Oak Fortress, conquering the city wall area is insufficient; you must take the castle first.

The numbers in the map resolve as follows.

  1. a) Western vigilance b) Military storage building
  2. Southern vigilance
  3. Eastern vigilance
  4. Northern vigilance
  5. Temple (religious building)
  6. Not sure yet. The original is a religious building.
  7. Post Office (I told you we will have a post service for shipping equipment around)
  8. Tavern (this one is quite costly, better you find a cheaper place to stay)
  9. Empire Deputee's administration (remember Oak Fortress is a city state within the Empire, this building houses the Empire's local administration branch)
  10. City Hall and City administrative buildings, including the High Council's Chamber. Buildings 10a and 10b are connected by a bridge over the street. 10d is a guarded open area not normally accessible. 10e is a storage house.
  11. Poorhouse
  12. Trading area; the ground floor usually has shops and in the higher floors live people.
  13. Craftsmen area; ground floor sometimes has shops, rest are apartment buildings mostly for poorer people.
  14. There will be some kind of special shop in the ground floor at the front of this house, I just do not know what kind of shop it will be. Back area and higher floors have apartments.
  15. Library, heavily frequented by mages.
  16. Park (green area).
  17. Apartment builds for those with higher income, mostly mages. The houses in this area should look pretty; Barcelona makes a good inspiration here too, please draw from Gaudí's architecture. It gives the perfect idea of a kind of "foreign" architecture. Just look at this sample of his work:
  18. Burned down ruin of a once pretty house.
  19. Harbour area

There are quite a number of unnumbered buildings still. I do not know yet what to do with them. If I have no ideas, they can always be made apartment buildings.


oak-fortress-plan1.png (2.8 MB) oak-fortress-plan1.png City map of Oak Fortress quintus, 04/30/2021 08:07 AM

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Blocked by Feature #24: Emblem of the Mages graphics setNewquintus04/30/2021

Actions #1

Updated by quintus almost 4 years ago

  • Blocked by Feature #24: Emblem of the Mages graphics set added
Actions #2

Updated by quintus almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to SiggyPop

I take the liberty to assign this ticket to you @SiggyPop, because you are our only graphics designer. Please update this ticket as you make progress.

Actions #3

Updated by SiggyPop almost 4 years ago

quintus wrote in #note-2:

I take the liberty to assign this ticket to you @SiggyPop, because you are our only graphics designer. Please update this ticket as you make progress.

Hi quintus, :)

it's probably a bit premature to call myself a graphic designer - I'm still struggling with the basics, so it's a bit tough in this department... but I am slowly making progress. At the moment I begin to understand, how to use objects in blender - so it becomes clearer for me, how to use this program.

  • But my idea is - when you call it oak fortress - an oak leaf would fit best as coat of arms or a crest - in my opinion. What do you think?


Actions #4

Updated by SiggyPop almost 4 years ago

quintus wrote in #note-2:

I take the liberty to assign this ticket to you @SiggyPop, because you are our only graphics designer. Please update this ticket as you make progress.

Oh cool - I got a ticket - where should I go? lol :D

Hi quintus, & all - :)

it's probably a bit premature to call myself a graphic designer - I'm still struggling with the basics, so it's a bit tough in this department... but I am slowly making progress. At the moment I begin to understand, how to use objects in blender - so it becomes clearer for me, how to use this program.

  • But my idea is - when you call it oak fortress - an oak leaf would fit best as coat of arms or a crest - in my opinion. What do you think?


quintus wrote in #note-2:

I take the liberty to assign this ticket to you @SiggyPop, because you are our only graphics designer. Please update this ticket as you make progress.

Actions #5

Updated by quintus almost 4 years ago

it's probably a bit premature to call myself a graphic designer - I'm still struggling with the basics, so it's a bit tough in this department... but I am slowly making progress. At the moment I begin to understand, how to use objects in blender - so it becomes clearer for me, how to use this program.

Very nice! Thank you so much.

But my idea is - when you call it oak fortress - an oak leaf would fit best as coat of arms or a crest - in my opinion. What do you think?

While I like the idea, we had already settled on the Emblem of the Mages. I will keep the idea noted and see if I can use it elsewhere; it would also make a nice logo for a tavern in the city for instance.

I have also assigned ticket #25 to you, @SiggyPop. Please give that ticket priority over this one, because I need the dummy map for coding while no other graphics exist. It really does not have to be beautiful or something, it will not even be included into the final game. I just need it so I can implement player controls, physics, etc.


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