



Game Design and Game Development Resources

This page lists useful resources that can explain how to design games in general. It also lists resources for a specific subtopic of game design, the structure of the game's code. Try to divide this page with useful subheadings that group the links.

Story Design

  • The master himself on "Fairy Stories" (sic): J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy Stories (1939). In: C.S. Lewis (editor), Essays presented to Charles Williams. William B. Eerdmans Pub., Grand Rapids 1947.

    • Easier to find reprint: J.R.R. Tolkien, Tree and Leaf. George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd, London 1964. ISBN: 0 04 820015 8.
    • English Wikipedia summary, German Wikipedia summary. Reading the original is recommended, but Tolkien's English is very elaborate and for a non-native speaker quite challenging. There's a German translation around somewhere, but Tolkien heavily draws from language specifics, thus the essay cannot really be fully understood in another language than English.
  • Appearently an early good example of applying these principles is System Shock, as documented here.

  • Two fundamental princinples oppose one another in game story design: “clock time” and “plot time”. This discussion of The Last Express goes over the concepts and exemplifies them with said game, which is said to be one of the classics of computer gaming.

Code Design

Game coding

Coding in general

Abstract topics

Ogre specifics

  • Blender's Y axis is Ogre's default Z axis. Consequently, models exported from Blender with blender2ogre into .mesh format appear rotated in Ogre without further adjustments. The upwards-pointing axis in Blender cannot be changed. Early versions of the blender2ogre exporter had a transformation option to auto-rotate a mesh on export from Blender, but the option was dropped around 2007. The now recommended solution is to rotate Ogre's camera accordingly and simply disregard Ogre's default setup.
    • Turns out the option has been reimplemented meanwhile. The exporter now calls it "Swap Ax" and it's right the first point under "General" in the exporter menu.

Dungeon design

World design

Graphical ideas


Updated by quintus about 1 month ago · 41 revisions