German-English Name Mapping » History » Revision 4
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quintus, 04/09/2020 08:35 AM
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German-English Name Mapping¶
This page maps the names used in the German and English versions to their respective equivalents.
German Name | English Name |
Alberoth | Alberoth |
Benjamin | Benjamin |
Eichenburg | Oak Fortress |
Elfenwald | Elves’ Forest |
Freya | Freya |
Grabstätten der Großkönige | Great Kings’ Necropolis |
Heiligtum der Da’ana | Temple of Da’ana |
Heiligtum des alten Großreichs | Sacred Place of Great Kings’ Age |
Hoher Rat | High Council |
Ilamar | Ilamar |
Nebelfelder | Fields of Mist |
Oase | Oasis |
Östliche Wüste | Eastern Desert |
Paß | Pass |
Paladin | Paladin |
Prärie | Prairie |
Rach Alberoth | Rach Alberoth |
Rach Elion | Rach Elion |
Rauchender Berg | Smoking Mountain |
Rosgart | Rosgart |
Schilbronn | Reed’s Well |
Schwarzberge | Black Mountains |
Schwarzborn | Blackwell |
Schwarzer Turm | Black Tower |
Spitz | Spear’s Edge |
Südliches Gebirge | Southern Mountains |
Sümpfe | Swamp |
Teufelsfelsen | Devils’ Rocks |
Toteninsel | Dead Island |
Westliche Wüste | Western Desert |
Updated by quintus almost 5 years ago · 4 revisions