



Feature #25


Dummy test area map and reference cube

Added by quintus almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

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I need a test area to work with. This area is not meant to be included in the final game, but it is necessary to test game physics, player control, etc. until the actual maps are finished. The test area is not intended or required to be beautiful by any measure, it serves purely practical purposes that allows me to code while graphics, music, etc. are not ready yet. Hence, this ticket has priority.

The test area map should have the following properties (m = metrical meters):

  • It must have a central flat surface in its middle without any slope. The dimensions of this surface have to be 10m x 10m.
  • Around that central place some slopes are useful. I would suggest to use the geographical trick Siggy outlined in the forums.
  • There should be some scattered immobile objects, like walls of different height (for testing jumping on and off them), rock needles, one or two simple trees (no leaves required, I am content with three branches or so), etc. No textures required for the moment, nor any attention to detail.
  • At its edges it should have high walls (say, 5m in height) so one cannot jump off into the void.
  • The map's dimensions should be 250m x 250m. It is absolutely okay if it is empty on the most part. Again, I just need it for testing.
  • I will programatically place the reference cube on that map.

The reference cube is a cube whose dimensions are exactly 1m x 1m x 1m. It has to be provided as a separate model. This cube is meant to be used to properly adjust dimensions of all elements in the game so that e.g. Benjamin's character model does not get 43m tall or similar errors. The reference cube does not have to have any texture on it; I will colorise it programmatically if I think it is useful.


grid 10 x 10.jpg (80.5 KB) grid 10 x 10.jpg SiggyPop, 05/09/2021 06:43 AM

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